• Galicia In Design [Ltd. Ed.]<br/>Marcos Dopico, Cibrán Rico, Suso Vázquez
  • A Galicia deseñada fabulatorio Marcos Dopico desescribir Cibran Rico Suso Vazquez
  • Galicia In Design [Ltd. Ed.]<br/>Marcos Dopico, Cibrán Rico, Suso Vázquez
  • A Galicia deseñada fabulatorio Marcos Dopico desescribir Cibran Rico Suso Vazquez
  • A Galicia deseñada fabulatorio Marcos Dopico desescribir Cibran Rico Suso Vazquez
  • A Galicia deseñada fabulatorio Marcos Dopico desescribir Cibran Rico Suso Vazquez
  • A Galicia deseñada fabulatorio Marcos Dopico desescribir Cibran Rico Suso Vazquez
  • A Galicia deseñada fabulatorio Marcos Dopico desescribir Cibran Rico Suso Vazquez
  • A Galicia deseñada fabulatorio Marcos Dopico desescribir Cibran Rico Suso Vazquez
  • A Galicia deseñada fabulatorio Marcos Dopico desescribir Cibran Rico Suso Vazquez
  • Galicia In Design [Ltd. Ed.]<br/>Marcos Dopico, Cibrán Rico, Suso Vázquez
  • Galicia In Design [Ltd. Ed.]<br/>Marcos Dopico, Cibrán Rico, Suso Vázquez
  • Galicia In Design [Ltd. Ed.]<br/>Marcos Dopico, Cibrán Rico, Suso Vázquez
  • Galicia In Design [Ltd. Ed.]<br/>Marcos Dopico, Cibrán Rico, Suso Vázquez
  • A Galicia deseñada fabulatorio Marcos Dopico desescribir Cibran Rico Suso Vazquez
  • Galicia In Design [Ltd. Ed.]<br/>Marcos Dopico, Cibrán Rico, Suso Vázquez
  • A Galicia deseñada fabulatorio Marcos Dopico desescribir Cibran Rico Suso Vazquez
  • Galicia In Design [Ltd. Ed.]<br/>Marcos Dopico, Cibrán Rico, Suso Vázquez
  • A Galicia deseñada fabulatorio Marcos Dopico desescribir Cibran Rico Suso Vazquez
  • A Galicia deseñada fabulatorio Marcos Dopico desescribir Cibran Rico Suso Vazquez
  • Galicia In Design [Ltd. Ed.]<br/>Marcos Dopico, Cibrán Rico, Suso Vázquez

Galicia In Design [Ltd. Ed.]
Marcos Dopico, Cibrán Rico, Suso Vázquez

Regular price ¥8,300

Book + Yria Original Packaging (ca. 1950)
Size Packaging 60 x 60 x 110 mm

Very limited stock

Galicia in design is a unique journey through the history and culture of Galician design, narrated through a selection of 100 symbols, brands, and graphic identities that help us understand the evolution of our visual heritage. This work is born from the desire to contribute to the creation of a historiography of Galician design and to offer a reference catalog for dissemination, consultation, and inspiration for present and future designers.

Organized into five historical periods –from its origins to the contemporary era–, the publication not only outlines a coherent narrative sequence but also seeks to build bridges between eras, interpreting history as a collective story.

The 700-page volume is divided into three parts: the first features texts exploring our graphic memory within the context of major global movements; the second presents one hundred brands accompanied by contextual explanations; and the third, comprising 250 pages, gathers photographs of graphic applications on a wide range of media, such as posters, books, and objects.

Galicia in design is, ultimately, an invitation to raise awareness of our graphic heritage and to celebrate design as an essential tool in the service of society.


Galicia in design is a co-edition by Fabulatorio and the University of A Coruña, stemming from the exhibition held at the Normal Hall, the Cultural Intervention Space of the University of A Coruña, between October 14, 2022, and January 14, 2023.



The First Galician Brands
Pepe Barro

Galicia in design
Marcos Dopico, Cibrán Rico, Suso Vázquez

    • Tracing the symbols of Galicia
    • Early industry
    • Little Pharma in Galicia in the 1930s and 40s
    • The symbols of the Laboratorio de Formas de Galicia: pioneering a design programme
    • Typeface as brand: ‘Galician typeface’ and more
    • Pop culture: popular art and design in the 1970s in Galicia
    • Territorial identities: from heraldry to place branding
    • Communication during the Transition: political parties, unions and social movements
    • From intuition to strategy: the systematisation of corporate identity
    • Modernity and postmodernity
    • International image and place-myths
    • Cultural institutionalism and normalisation
    • The entry of women into the design sector
    • From symbol to system: corporate identity as a design system in the twenty-first century

A Selection of Symbols, Brands, and Graphic Identities

    • Pre-twentieth century (up to 1900)
    • Industrialisation and modernity(1900-1936)
    • Modernity and isolationism (1939-1978)
    • Democracy and postmodernity (1979-2005)
    • Twenty-first century (2006-2023)

Gráfica aplicada

Applied Graphics


Marcos Dopico

Marcos Dopico (Narón, 1974) holds a degree in Fine Arts with a specialization in Design, a PhD in Design from the University of Vigo, and is a tenured professor. Since 2019, he has been the Dean of the Faculty of Design at the Pontevedra Campus. He teaches courses in Typography Fundamentals, Typography Design, and Corporate Identity in the Design Bachelor's program. Additionally, he is a lecturer in graphic design for the Master's in Design and Creative Direction in Fashion and the Master's in Art Direction in Advertising at the University of Vigo.

As a design professional, he works in the field of graphic design, specializing in typography design through his foundry MaisTypes. His research focuses on areas such as the influence of modernity on contemporary typography, typography in corporate identity, and the relationship between tradition and identity in design in Galicia.

He has participated in collective exhibitions such as "A creación do necesario: Aproximacións ao deseño do século XX en Galicia" (2004), "Arte, artesanía, deseño e sostibilidade en Galicia no século XXI" (2016), "Formas do deseño. Galicia XXI" (2019), the traveling exhibition "From Spain With Design: Identidad y territorio" (2021-2023), and the Porto Design Biennale 2023 exhibition "Galicia. Procesos y formas. Una historia del Diseño" (2023). He also curated the exhibition "A Galicia deseñada: Signos, símbolos e identidades gráficas" (2022-2023).

In 2023, he received a Laus Bronze Award from the ADG-FAD in the Lettering-Experimental Typography category, participating in the exhibition "El millor disseny de l’any" at the Design Museum of Barcelona.

In 2023, he received a Laus Bronze Award from the ADG-FAD in the Lettering-Experimental Typography category, participating in the exhibition "El millor disseny de l’any" at the Design Museum of Barcelona.

Cibrán Rico e Suso Vázquez

Founded in 2008, desescribir is formed by Cibrán Rico López (A Coruña, 1978) and Suso Vázquez Gómez (Vigo, 1978), both graduates in Architecture from the Higher Technical School of Architecture at the University of A Coruña.

desescribir is a design studio that develops projects in visual identity, editorial design, and strategic design with a comprehensive approach.

The studio's work has received numerous awards at prestigious design competitions both nationally and internationally, including the Galicia Innovation and Design Award 2021 from the Xunta de Galicia, 17 LAUS Awards from the ADG-FAD (Barcelona), 4 D&AD Awards (London), 4 Type Directors Club (Tokyo), and the PHotoEspaña 2014 Award for the best photography book published in Spain.

Cibrán Rico and Suso Vázquez have participated as lecturers in various undergraduate and master’s programs at the University of Vigo and are currently guest professors at the Faculty of Design on the Pontevedra Campus. They have conducted numerous graphic and editorial design courses and workshops at various universities and design schools, and have been invited as speakers at numerous events such as the Blanc! Festival in Vilanova i la Geltrú and the Tipos Certamen in Santander.

In 2012, they founded Fabulatorio, an independent publishing house focused on projects related to art, design, and visual culture. The second title published by Fabulatorio was included in the list of the best photography books in the world for 2014, as published by the International Center of Photography (ICP) in New York.

The work of desescribir has been referenced in numerous books, magazines, and catalogs from prestigious international publishers such as Unit Editions (London), Victionary (Hong Kong), and Page Magazine (Berlin), and has been part of various exhibitions in museums and galleries like the CGAC (Santiago de Compostela), Museo Reina Sofía (Madrid), and the Giza Graphic Gallery (Japan).

They were curators, along with Marcos Dopico, of the exhibition "A Galicia deseñada: Signos, símbolos e identidades gráficas", held at the Normal Hall of the University of A Coruña.

Technical Data




Galicia In Design: symbols, logo design and visual identity




Galician / English


Marcos Dopico

Cibrán Rico

Suso Vázquez


Pepe Barro

Marcos Dopico

Cibrán Rico

Suso Vázquez

Print run:



Jesús Madriñán

Roi Alonso

Linguistic Review:

Servizo de Normalización Lingüística 

Editorial Review

Translation GAL-ENG:

Aoileann Lyons



Xesús M. Mosquera

Patricia Buxán






112 x 194 mm

Printing technique:

Offset CMYK




Mais Grotesk


Agencia Gráfica



