• Kleinigkeiten Cousiñas Maria Reimondez Fabulatorio
  • Kleinigkeiten Cousiñas Maria Reimondez Fabulatorio
  • Kleinigkeiten Cousiñas Maria Reimondez Fabulatorio
  • Kleinigkeiten Cousiñas Maria Reimondez Fabulatorio


Regular price ¥2,700 JPY

Small things in reverse

it was maybe in 2010 when I first wrote some poems in german, with a single person in mind. however, my stay at the artists house Villa Waldberta in 2011, fostered by the Instituto Cervantes in Munich and the Kultureferat of the Munich Municipality, gave me the opportunity to dig deeper into a language that had inhabited me for quite some time. kleinigkeiten/cousiñas is the outcome of this process and it is, at the same time, a reverse journey in which translations go in the opposite direction. kleinigkeiten/cousiñas is a poetry collection originally written in german that, due to the spontaneous affection of my publishers, unexpectedly mirrored in galician, something that was not initially intended. translating this book was indeed a peculiar process because the language in which we write determines the communication objective; kleinigkeiten/cousiñas was written in german because its goal was to bring the otherness that galician and myself represent to the core of a central european language and culture in a sort of intimate dialogue, in which a language of power becomes the language of affection and disaffection, of the private and intimate and, in this way, becomes the most political of all languages.


— María Reimóndez


María Reimóndez



María Reimóndez Meilán was born in Lugo and is a professional translator and interpreter. Her first book published is the poetry collection Moda Galega (Edicións Positivas, 2002). In 2003 she was awarded the Premio de Novela Mulleres Progresistas de Vigo for the novel O Caderno de Bitácora (Edicións Positivas 2004). In 2005 she was short-listed for the awards Premio Merlín de Literatura Infantil for Usha (Edicións Xerais, 2006) and Xerais for O club da calceta (Xerais 2006), which was later awarded the Premio San Clemente and translated into Italian and Spanish, adapted to theatre by Teatro do Morcego and to film by Ficción Producciones.


She has also published six books for children on different Galician counties with Editorial Everest. Recently, she also published Lía e as zapatillas de deporte (Xerais 2008), Premio Frei Martín Sarmiento 2010 and O Monstro das palabras (Xerais 2009) for children, and Pirata (Xerais 2009) for adults. Reimóndez is also a well established literary translator, especially of children’s literature with over twelve books published, besides Erín Moure’s poetry collection Teatriños or the theatre play Kvetch staged in Galician by Teatro do Morcego . In 2011 she published Despois da medianoite a translation of Tamil author Salma’s The Hour Past Mid-Night. In 2009 she was granted the translation award Plácido Castro for her translation of A historia de Mary Prince, unha escrava das Illas Occidentais. In 2012 her first book as an essayist will be published in co-authorship with Olga Castro Feminismos is an overview of feminist theories around the world. Already in 2010 Reimóndez published a chapter on the symbolic violence of literary criticism against Galician women writers in the volume Violencias visibles, violencias invisibles with the Feminario de Investigación Feminismos e Resistencias. (Icaría 2010). Also in 2010 she was writer-in-residence at Bangor University (Wales, UK), where she lectured on translation, writing and literature and she also did a reading of Pirata in London. She has also been invited to the University of Stirling and Munich and in 2011 she was one of the guests of the artist’s house Villa Waldberta in Munich, invited by the Instituto Cervantes of the city for their Autumn cultural programme.

Technical Data




Print run:
María Reimondez

Cibrán Rico López

Suso Vázquez Gómez

140 x 210 mm
Production Method:
(Iris print with fluorescent spot inks)
Flapped paperback
Fugue (Radim Pesko)
Offset Print Speed 50 g/m²
Offset Print Speed 135 g/m²
Gráficas Brial
ISBN: 978-84-940115-2-8
This book was published with the help of Antalis.

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